Love Never Fails

Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 13:8a Contemporary English Version (CEV)

Love never fails! . . .

We are studying Thee Person of Love which is God Himself. We are learning that certain attributes of God need to be present in His Children so that we can accurately represent Jesus Christ the Blessed Son of God. We have also learned that certain negative behaviors are not a part of God’s Nature nor are they a part of God’s Plan for man. In a previous lesson we spoke of God not being “ill-mannered” or “acting inappropriately” and another thing we talked about is God not being “Selfish”. We also taught on God not being “easily provoked” to anger and/or an unwise response. We learned from a previous lesson that “God doesn’t think evil” so neither should we. We have also spoken on “God being displeased with sin (iniquity and wickedness)”. In another lesson we spoke on “God rejoicing (delighting) in all truth”. We previously learned that “Love bears all things” by carrying our sins, problems and even our concerns and we learned that “love constantly believes in all things” pertaining to God’s Will, God’s Word and God’s Ways. We have studied that “Love’s biblical hope” is based upon the word of God with faith as its foundation. We spoke on “Love Enduring All Things” to remind ourselves that we are built to endure any and all challenges we face on this earth. In today’s lesson we will preach on “Love Never Failing”. The reason we (ihlcc) mentioned preach instead of teach is because “God cannot fail” for He is an all winning and all victorious God (champion). We are not going to show you all the multiple times recorded in the Holy Bible that God did what He said. Nor shall we try to expound on the awesome demonstrated power of God when He was performing some of His Mighty Works. Instead we have taken the more preaching approach to simply say, “God never Fails” because He is infallible. God is not just a sure thing but He is rather “Thee Sure One”. Yes, Love is all powerful! This is always good to know because it is one thing to have power but it is a greater thing to use that power wisely unto perfection. We mention this because it would be good for all Christians to know and understand that when you are speaking about God you are speaking of the fullness of power (glory) that fills all and all. We (ihlcc) have found it quite difficult to describe all the various things God is good at (innumerable), so we always conclude that “God always Wins”. Yes, even the ihlcc alias is “Love Wins” because we know in our heart that God’s Will will surely prevail on this earth when all the dust settles. Yes, Love is Winning in Heaven right now and that is why Heaven is in order and full of God’s beauty and majesty. Likewise, wherever God’s Love and power is fully manifested upon this earth everything is in order and displaying the fruit of God’s Presence. We have seen the goodness of God in our own lives and we are here to testify that “God through His Love never fails”. Although we have seen with our eyes and heard with our ears God get blamed for many tragedies upon this earth it is simply not true. The problems we deal with in the earth that have bad results are not God’s inability to help but rather man’s inability to do God’s Word due to a lack of understanding or unbelief. Yes, very often people approach (come to) God based upon their own understanding of God and that can be a huge problem when your understanding of God is contrary to God’s Word. We know even right now it is hard for some people to fathom that “Love can’t fail” but it is absolutely the truth. Just because everything we encounter in this earth does not workout to our advantage it does not mean that God failed because sometimes we fail God. We know there are times when God is hoping that His Children will come to Him with their problem, but no, many saints (believers, Children of God) rely upon their own wisdom or counsel from a person close to them to solve their problem. Yes, this independence from God’s Word is very common and then when things don’t work out right God gets the blame for letting that person down. Is it God’s fault that your own personal plan failed? Most people would say, “No” but many (we say many) of those same people will pout around for weeks when a disappointment happens in their life. We (ihlcc) can recall an older man who was very upset with God because his mother died after the man prayed for God to heal her. When ministering to this older gentlemen for salvation he quickly lashed out against us and angrily against God. We couldn’t persuade him otherwise so we departed in disappointment and pondered his dilemma. However, a more mature person in Christ Jesus would know praying for God to heal a person that He (The Lord) commissioned for you to heal is a misplacement of faith. Yes, we did say the Lord told you to go heal them (the sick or dying) in the Name of Jesus according to Mark 16:15-20. Again “God never fails” but men often fail to do things God’s Way instead of communing with God to get the specific answers we need to bring about healing and life it is much easier to blame God for your ignorance in using His Power in the Name of Jesus. Plus other people have a will also and if that other sick person does not want to believe God for their healing they might be ready to depart from this earth. Situations like this require mediation and sensitivity to God’s Heart, not blame or discouragement. So we would challenge all believers that if there is any area of your life that you are not currently experiencing success search the scriptures to find out God’s Promise. Then commune with God’s Word and God’s Presence (praying in tongues when necessary) to find out exactly what you should be doing differently and do it faithfully unto the Lord Jesus Christ. We can guarantee you that if you are doing exactly (not partially) what God’s Word said you should be seeing success (not failure) in that specific situation or at least success should be on its way in that particular situation (be patient). Just know that since “God can never fail” you as a Child of God should never fail also. Please don’t argue with us (ihlcc) about the concept just accept this truth with childlike faith to experience the fullness of God right now on this earth and to a much larger measure when you reach God’s Perfected Purpose in Heaven. “Jesus never failed” in carrying and dying upon His Cross while on this earth so decree that “you will never fail” while carrying your cross unto death while in this earth. Amen!